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Access & Attribution

The data available in the ARK Portal would not be possible without the participation of research volunteers and the contribution of data by collaborating researchers. Data are made available as Open-  or Controlled- Access, where individual-level Human data is Controlled Access. Access to any data requires the data available in the ARK Portal would not be possible without the participation of research volunteers and the contribution of data by collaborating researchers. Data are made available as Open-  or Controlled- Access, where individual-level Human data is Controlled Access. Access to any data requires the registration of a Synapse account and agreement to the Synapse Terms and Conditions of Use, and the Attribution of funders and data contributors.

Data Access

Open Access

Aggregate data which are data combined from several individuals is treated as Open Access.

Controlled Access

While all data shared through the ARK Portal falls under the principles of Open Data, individual level (any file that has values for an individual), human data is Controlled Access Data and requires the submission of a Data Use Certificate (DUC). You need to update the DUC to add any new team members, and you must renew the DUC each year as necessary. All instructions are found below.

To submit a new DUC:

  1. Write a description of your proposed research use, known as the Intended Data Use statement (IDU). The IDU should be 500 words maximum (in English) and should include the following:

    • Objectives of the proposed research

    • Study design and analysis plan

  2. Click here to access the DUC form, which you can download and print. Note that no changes are allowed to the text of the DUC.

  3. Using the DUC, gather Synapse usernames and signatures from all the team members at your institution who will need access to the data.

  4. Have an official at your institution review and sign the DUC. A signing official is someone from your organization who can speak to your affiliation and has good standing within the organization. You cannot serve as your own signing official.

  5. Scan the completed DUC.

  6. Visit the ARK Portal DUC page and click "Request Access" to complete the data access request process, which includes submitting your IDU from step 1, and uploading the signed DUC form.

Expected turnaround is within one week of DUC submission. Once approved, data may be downloaded and accessed for one year.

To add new team members to an existing DUC:

*Note that only the submitter of the DUC will have the ability to add new team members to an existing DUC.  

Please be aware that if you submit a DUC request on behalf of your research group,  you will be responsible for submitting all changes, renewals, and progress reports on behalf of that group. This responsibility cannot be transferred from the submitter to another member of the research group.  Furthermore, Sage Bionetworks cannot submit any updates or progress reports on behalf of the submitter. If the submitter is unable to make the required updates, renewals, or progress reports, a new DUC request must be completed by another individual in the group. This individual will then maintain the responsibilities of the submitter. 

  1. Visit the ARK Portal DUC page.

  2. Click Update Request.

  3. Download the existing DUC form

  4. Check the document version of your existing DUC form to ensure that it matches the most current DUC template document version; the most current version of the DUC template can be found here.

  5. If your existing DUC is using an older version of the document, you must complete and submit the latest version of the DUC; you cannot amend an outdated version of the DUC to add new team members.

  6. Gather Synapse usernames and signatures from all the new team members at your institution who will need access to the data.

  7. Scan the completed DUC.

  8. Complete the online DUC request process by visiting the page with conditions for AMP RA.SLE data use.

To complete the annual renewal:

The request submitter will receive two email reminders to renew data access before the expiration date. Follow the instructions in the reminder email or click on the link provided to the ARK Portal DUC. Click Update Request to begin the access renewal. Please ensure you update the following in your renewal request:

  1. Remove any collaborators who no longer need data access from both the Synapse access request and the DUC.

  2. Add any new collaborators to both the access request and the DUC. Ensure they have signed the DUC.

  3. Update your Intended Data Use statement to reflect your progress since your last access request.

  4. Ensure you are submitting the correct version of the DUC. The most current DUC template will be linked in the request area. It is ok to resubmit your DUC from the previous year as long as the document version is current and the requestors list is up to date.

You will receive an email within two weeks of request submission indicating whether your renewal has been approved or rejected. Once approved, data access will renew for everyone listed within the submission.

To request additional DUC support:

If you still have questions or issues related to a DUC, please contact our Access & Compliance Team (ACT). You can use any of the following methods to contact the ACT:


All data use must be acknowledged in publications. Acknowledgment statements will vary by ARK Portal Program. You agree to this through the Clickwrap terms on the the page with conditions for AMP RA.SLE data use.


Use the following statement: "The results published here are in whole or in part based on data obtained from the ARK Portal ( ). This work was supported by the Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP® RA/SLE) Program. AMP® is a public-private partnership (AbbVie Inc., Arthritis Foundation, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen Research and Development, LLC, Lupus Foundation of America, Lupus Research Alliance, Merck & Co., Inc., National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Pfizer Inc., Rheumatology Research Foundation, Sanofi and Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.) created to develop new ways of identifying and validating promising biological targets for diagnostics and drug development Funding was provided through grants from the National Institutes of Health (UH2-AR067676, UH2-AR067677, UH2-AR067679, UH2-AR067681, UH2-AR067685, UH2- AR067688, UH2-AR067689, UH2-AR067690, UH2-AR067691, UH2-AR067694, and UM2- AR067678)."

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